Egg Donation in Georgia is legalized in the 1990s since then foreign intended parents are successfully becoming parents through donor eggs.
Georgia has a high number of healthy egg donors who live a healthy lifestyle which helps in providing healthy eggs leading to successful IVF cycles although ARTbaby provides Egg donors of all ethnic origins including Black/Caucasian/Asian.
What is egg donation?
Egg donation is a process of donating eggs for IVF where a woman with healthy eggs donates her eggs and then the Eggs are artificially fertilized with intended fathers sperms by an IVF specialist in the laboratory and after successful creation of embryos are placed into the uterus of the intended mother or surrogate to achieve pregnancy.
When Egg Donation is required?
Who needs Egg Donation in Georgia?
If either the eggs of a mother are not healthy or the mother is suffering from a genetic disorder then the mother will not be able to have a child with her eggs even using In-Vitro fertilization.
The couple then needs egg donation services where donated eggs are substituted with the mother’s egg to complete the IVF process.
Following are the conditions of the mother, where an intended couple needs egg donation services:-
- If the mother is suffering from premature ovarian failure.
- If the quality of the mother eggs is very low.
- If a mother is carrying a genetically transmitted disease.
- If a mother has suffered multiple IVF failures repeatedly.
Then, you are standing in a condition where you need the services of egg donation in Georgia.
Once you have decided, you are going to egg donation services in Georgia then you can contact us to know the availability of screened egg donors.
Our centers allow you to choose the egg donor of your choice from our large database.
Sperm Donation Services
Sperm donation is a process where a male donates his sperms for IVF where his sperms are used to artificially fertilize the eggs by an IVF specialist in the laboratory for the intended parents.
Who Needs Sperm Donation Services?
A couple needs donated sperm because of the following reasons:
- If the male is facing Issues while ejaculating.
- If the quality of the average sperm is very low.
- If sperm functions are improper.
- If the male is suffering from low sperm count.
After proper tests and reports, you can easily figure out if you require sperm donation services or not. Once you decide you can contact us for a sperm donor database.
How to become an egg donor in Georgia?
To become an egg donor in Georgia apply through our contact form/chat window we’ll consider if you qualify the eligibility criteria.