Weather and fertility

The hot weather hurts reproductive health around the time of conception is to the denunciation in a low birth rate.

Weather and fertility woman

Is it true that you have low fertility in the summer?

A study was conducted on ostriches, more than 20 years old, by changing the temperature to understand various aspects of fertility. Both an increase and a decrease in ambient temperature dramatically reduced the number of eggs laid in females and the number of male sperm ejaculated. The effects of temperature are not immediate, but come in a key temperature window 2-4 days before ejaculation and ejaculation.

The egg production rate increased by 20°C within this critical temperature window and then decreased by 15% and 18% as the temperature increased or decreased by 5°C.
The number of sperm ejaculated by males also decreased, but the maximum temperature seemed to be slightly higher than when fertilizing an egg, up to 26°C. Temperature fluctuations have less effect on gamete viability than on the number of gametes. If the temperature drops from 20°C to 15°C, the number of eggs that the females produce will drop by only 0.7 percent and the increase in temperature will not be affected.

Simply put, summer doesn’t have much of an effect on a woman’s fertility. Sperm quality is impaired, especially in men. Summer can reduce women’s sexual desire, which can also lead to a reduction in the number of births.

The benefits of sunlight on reproductive health

More sun can help you become more fertile. The hormone melatonin and the critical vitamin we produce are affected by sunlight and play a role in regulating women’s reproductive cycles.

Fertility specialists, therefore, advise you to try spending time abroad, as this will help you gain an advantage on your parental journey. Vitamin D is essential for fertility development. A healthy reproductive system requires vitamin D intake. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to hormonal imbalances, ovulation problems, and sperm production problems. Although vitamin D is found in food, people get most of their vitamin D through sunlight.

Plenty of sunlight for vitamin D synthesis can be a challenge for people who don’t spend a lot of time outdoors. If women have enough vitamin D, they can produce more progesterone and estrogen. This will help regulate your menstrual cycle and also promote ovulation.

Global warming and fertility

Global warming can directly affect fertility in two important ways.

  • First, hot weather can affect sexual behavior. Physical activity is more demanding at high temperatures.
  • Second, the temperature can adversely affect reproductive health factors such as sperm motility and menstruation.

There are some convincing experimental studies in mammals to support this possibility. These are two potential herds that lead us to hypothesize that global warming could pose a threat to human reproduction, something that scientists and policymakers have yet to examine carefully.
The United States currently experiences almost 30 hot days a year. The prominent worldwide circulation model assumes that the United States will triple the number of hot days at the end of the 21st century to about 90.

We estimate that this warming will reduce the number of births to about 107,000 per year in the past. There will also be more summer births, due to the rebound, which will expose pregnancies to considerably hotter days during the third trimester and will threaten infant health.

As a caveat, these projections focus exclusively on the fertility cost of heat stress and do not offer insight into the costs of natural disasters or other major social changes resulting from climate change.
Should nothing be done to mitigate climate change, our study indicates that air conditioning can lower fertility costs.

But, we caution that to avoid exacerbating climate change, any increase in energy use for air conditioning must be offset with decreases in emissions in other parts of the economy.
Many developing countries, like India, already experience hotter climates than the United States. As a result, these developing countries are more likely to experience the effects of climate change, which could have worse consequences for productivity.



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