Surrogate mother emotions

Emotional status of surrogate mothers

The Assisted reproductive technology (ART)  considers the involvement of surrogate mothers as a third party. This is highly controversial; however a widespread method. The emotional motivation differs from every individual surrogate mother, which drives them to become a surrogate. The different motivational drives are financial gain, the pleasure of pregnancy and giving birth, sublime feelings, Read more about Emotional status of surrogate mothers[…]

Different fertility options and surrogacy

Surrogacy VS Fertility treatments

Two conventional fertility treatments are usually recommended to treat infertility, which include medication therapy and surgical intervention. Different therapeutic and surgical interventions are available for male and female infertile patients. However, failure of this conventional treatment or in unfeasible situations embryo implantation through assisted reproductive technology can also be recommended for a successful pregnancy. Female Read more about Surrogacy VS Fertility treatments[…]

Surrogacy in Kazakhstan

Surrogacy in Kazakhstan and alternatives

Human reproduction is one of the most basic animal traits that govern society. However, more and more women struggle with conception and children. Whether due to environmental changes or natural factors, infertility is a growing cause for concern. Surrogacy is one of the best-known methods of assisted reproduction. Since it allows the surrogate mother to Read more about Surrogacy in Kazakhstan and alternatives[…]

Surrogacy affects surrogate

Does surrogacy affect the surrogate mother? and how?

The decision making for a woman to become a surrogate is challenging for her. Surrogate mother carrying child/children for other intended parents which is not only an emotionally taxing process but also have similar health issues alike a normal pregnancy along with complication related to IVF process and legal interventions. The surrogacy process involves long-term Read more about Does surrogacy affect the surrogate mother? and how?[…]

New infertility problems

How to determine you need assistive fertility treatment options?

Infertility in women usually occurs due to different reproductive health issues. Some of the common underlying causes are advanced maternal age, adenomyosis, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, tubal block, submucous fibroid, pelvic inflammatory disease, hormonal imbalance, etc.  Genital tuberculosis occurs in women and can damage the fallopian tube and endometrium which causes 18% of female infertility. Read more about How to determine you need assistive fertility treatment options?[…]

Surrogacy in Australia travel

Surrogacy in Australia and alternatives

Surrogacy rules in Australia All surrogacy preparations in Australia should be altruistic (where the surrogate does not get compensated for acting as a surrogate, other than being reimbursed for clinical and other reasonable fees). Most Australian states have unique regulation that outlines the requirements for surrogacy. Within the absence of rules, states and territories are Read more about Surrogacy in Australia and alternatives[…]

Good surrogacy plan

Good surrogacy plan

Similar to some other being pregnant, general well-being is critical during the entire surrogacy adventure from pre-being pregnant through lactation. Surrogacy now could be setting developments amongst couples who are unable to conceive. Recent instances from Bollywood give us a clear picture of the situation that surrogacy is one of the most common assisted reproductive Read more about Good surrogacy plan[…]