Blood impurities and infertility

Introduction: Infertility is a complex medical issue affecting millions of individuals and couples worldwide. While the causes of infertility can be multifaceted, recent research has shed light on the potential role of blood impurities in contributing to this condition. In this article, we delve into the connection between blood impurities and infertility, exploring the underlying Read more about Blood impurities and infertility[…]

Rare blood types and infertility pic blood flow

Rare blood and infertility

Infertility is a complex and emotionally challenging issue that affects many couples around the world. While numerous factors contribute to infertility, one often overlooked aspect is the impact of rare blood types. This article explores the intersection between rare blood types and infertility, shedding light on the challenges couples may face and the potential solutions Read more about Rare blood and infertility[…]

body temperature vs infertility

Infertility and body temperature

Infertility is a challenging and emotionally charged condition that affects millions of couples worldwide. While various factors contribute to infertility, recent research has unveiled a fascinating connection between body temperature and reproductive health. This article delves into the intricate relationship between infertility and body temperature, shedding light on how the body’s thermogenic processes may influence Read more about Infertility and body temperature[…]

Sexual disorder in men

Sexual disorders in Men and infertility

Infertility influences up to 12% of all men, and sexual disorder happens frequently in men of reproductive age, causing infertility at some times. In infertile men, hypoactive sexual choice and shortage of sexual pleasure are the most everyday varieties of sexual dysfunction, starting from 8.9% to 68. 7%. Erectile disorder and/or premature ejaculation, evaluated with Read more about Sexual disorders in Men and infertility[…]

New infertility problems

How to determine you need assistive fertility treatment options?

Infertility in women usually occurs due to different reproductive health issues. Some of the common underlying causes are advanced maternal age, adenomyosis, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, tubal block, submucous fibroid, pelvic inflammatory disease, hormonal imbalance, etc.  Genital tuberculosis occurs in women and can damage the fallopian tube and endometrium which causes 18% of female infertility. Read more about How to determine you need assistive fertility treatment options?[…]

Infertility due to underlying diseases

Infertility is a complex condition usually associated with reproductive system disorder. Both the male and/or female partners may responsible for infertility. Broadly, infertility is categorized as primary and secondary. In primary infertility, the germ cell structure growth is arrested. Consequently, cell necrosis happens because of anatomical or physiological disorders. Pathophysiological causes of male infertility Manifestation Read more about Infertility due to underlying diseases[…]

Unexplained infertility issues

Unexplained infertility is when a standard infertility test does not cause the incapacity of a couple or woman. Some reproductive physicians believe that the diagnosis of unexplained infertility is undiagnosed. Estimates show that 15-30 percent of couples experiencing infertility are diagnosed with unexplained infertility. This makes him one of the biggest causes of infertility. The Read more about Unexplained infertility issues[…]

What kind of uterus problems cause infertility in Women?

Uterine disorders can impact female fertility. Often uterine problems lead to implantation difficulty or increase the tendency of miscarriage.    Uterine fibroid or myomas can be benign tumors or polyps. Therefore, they are noncancerous outgrowth in the inner wall of the uterus. This type of growth can cause blockage in the fallopian tubes. Blockage of Read more about What kind of uterus problems cause infertility in Women?[…]

Cannabis and female fertility

Female fertility may hampered by using Marijuana

The use of marijuana for recreational and therapeutic purposes is commonly found in Western countries. Both males and females are equally addicted to marijuana. It is very important to know the impact of marijuana on the human reproductive system. While very limited research focuses on this subject and it may be the primary reason for Read more about Female fertility may hampered by using Marijuana[…]

Girl in Traffic and air pollution, sadness, infertility

Air pollution triggers early infertility in females: Experts

A recently published article in the Independent, UK  paper magazine revealed a study report which provides the information that exposure to polluted air in the traffic-congested roads could reduce the fertility duration of females.  Nowadays, the number of working women is increasing. It is quite common in the daily routine that we are stuck in Read more about Air pollution triggers early infertility in females: Experts[…]