Surrogacy medical team

The medical team and skills required to do Surrogacy

Both happiness and challenges are part of any pregnancy and childbirth. Surrogate pregnancy does not have much difference from traditional pregnancy. The physical changes and development of emotional affection are gradually developing with the advancement of the gestational period and development of the fetus. However, some additional medical procedures required to prepare the body and Read more about The medical team and skills required to do Surrogacy[…]

Vekil gebelik için destekli üreme teknikleri

Assisted reproduction techniques for surrogate pregnancy

A variety of assisted reproductive techniques are included infertility treatment to increase the scope of conceiving. Egg and sperm donation, insemination of gamete, intrauterine insemination, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection are some less complicated assisted reproductive techniques. But surrogacy is a relatively complicated assisted reproductive technique. Multiple processes may include completing the surrogacy depending upon the Read more about Assisted reproduction techniques for surrogate pregnancy[…]

Surrogacy in Germany pregnant lady

Surrogacy in Germany

Surrogacy is essentially thought of as if the hereditary relationship of the two guardians is wanted, yet pregnancy is beyond the realm of possibilities, for example, because of a uterine infection of the lady. In any case, according to a legitimate perspective, this normally collides with the law in Germany. The legal status of surrogacy Read more about Surrogacy in Germany[…]

hassle free surrogate baby nationality claim

Claiming surrogate baby nationality in Georgia

What is the process of claiming the nationality of the Surrogate baby in Tbilisi Georgia and other countries? International medical tourism for Assistant Reproductive Technology (ART), especially for surrogacy service has some legal restrictions. Here it is necessary to mention that the concept of surrogacy is not a new and well-established ART process. But different Read more about Claiming surrogate baby nationality in Georgia[…]

Surrogate mother and her daily routine after pregnancy 

Surrogate mother and her daily routine after pregnancy 

Pregnancy is a time filled with joy and also a lot of sacrifices. During pregnancy, surrogates are responsible for another human being during these nine months. Therefore, during the gestational period, it has been encouraged to avoid certain precautions for the betterment of life.  Lifestyle  Many aspects of life will change during pregnancy. A surrogate Read more about Surrogate mother and her daily routine after pregnancy […]

West Indies surrogacy opportunities

Surrogacy in West Indies

Experts from the West Indies agree that in recent years, the demand for surgery has increased. Although “borrowing a womb” may have been a negative thing in the past, people are now very sensitive to the plight of women who have difficulty conceiving. Jamaica, an island country in the West Indies becomes a surrogacy-friendly region. Read more about Surrogacy in West Indies[…]

Surrogacy related curiosities pc pregn

Surrogacy related curiosities

What is the difference between surrogacy and IVF? IVF or In vitro fertilization helps by conducting fertilization outside the body and developing an embryo in a test tube. Then the created embryo is implanted into the mother’s uterus for further development.  Surrogacy involves another woman (surrogate) who carries and delivers a child/children for another couple Read more about Surrogacy related curiosities[…]