Finding of any abnormality after testing all the necessary biomarkers require for normal conceiving, which cannot be rectified by available treatment measures, then an expert OB-GYN (obstetrician-gynecologist) can refer an infertile female for proceeding with donor egg and/or surrogacy to build their family. But before starting the clinical procedure, a certain time requires to complete all the preparation to start the procedure. Usually, three to four months required to complete the preparation. Following are the steps followed during the preparation time:
- All the diagnostic tests require for pre-IVF workup, both the intended parents need to perform them and all test reports must showcase the current health status of the couples. This means no previous diagnostic test reports are accepted.
- After conduction, all the tests with normal reports to proceed for the procedure, then intended parents need to consult with the donor coordinator for the right selection of the egg donor.
- Once the finalize the egg donor depending upon the client’s selection criteria, then the donor needs to go for further medical tests and clinical appointments necessary for egg donation.
- When all the test reports of the egg donor are completed and normal, then the donor coordinator will contact the intended parents for consultation with the doctor to review protocol, medication and a definite timeline for the IVF procedures.
The above-mentioned process is very stressful and tedious. But an essential part of the egg donation process. Egg donation agencies are ready to clarify all the doubts along with providing all the necessary support to complete the process.
Instruction for egg donor recipients
- Contact the financial coordinator for completing all the financial responsibility to proceed with egg donation. The client can ask for insurance coverage to reduce the load of the financial burden before initiate the medical procedure.
- Consult with a medical professional for checking all the screening tests reports to ensure the eligibility of the process.
- Contact the nursing coordinator to obtain and procure the logistics to pursue the treatment and requirement for the egg retrieving from the donor to proceed with the procedure.
- The physician provides the IVF treatment protocol to the patients to inform all the necessary steps will be followed during the procedure.
The list of tests is as follows, which need to perform for egg donor recipients before starting the egg donor treatment cycle.
- Blood group testing (ABO) and RH factor
- Screening for antibody testing
- Pap test
- Varicella IgG
- Rubella IgG
Annual tests reports
- Mammogram for females older than 40 years of age
- Evaluation of uterine cavity
- Cardiac test, glucose tolerance test, and complete lipid profile
- Patients with 45 years or more need a medical clearance letter from an obstetrician.
- Patients with 50 years of age and older need to proceed with Peer Review.
Updated tests reports for every 18 months:
- HIV 1 and 2
- Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
- Hepatitis C
- Rapid plasma reagin
- Thyroid-stimulating hormone
- Prolactin
- A complete blood count
- Urine for Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) / Chlamydia trachomatis (Chlamydia)
- Cytomegalovirus testing for those who use a sperm donor.
Instruction for male partner of an egg donor recipient
Annual conduction of semen analysis
Cryopreserved semen sample after completion of infectious disease screening on both the partners for backup to avoid interference of infection at the time of IVF cycle conduction.
Updated tests reports for every 18 months:
- HIV 1 and 2
- Rapid plasma reagin
- Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
- Hepatitis C
After completion of all the above mentioned clinical parameters, Egg donation agency arrange all the necessary medical requirement to conduct the egg donation process.

Ravi Sharma is a self-motivated, successful entrepreneur and has a solid experience in the fertility segment. and he is the director at ARTbaby Global (ARThealthcare). He is a pharmacy graduate with post-graduation in business administration and has 14 years of rich experience in the field of infertility segment. He loves to write about IVF, Surrogacy, and other ART (assisted reproductive technology) news, issues, and updates. He is a Pharmacy graduate (B. Pharm) and M.B.A (marketing).
His most recent success includes the successful launch of the medical tourism company, ARTbaby, which offers treatment options for infertility, egg donation, and surrogacy. He likes spending time with his family and writing about various aspects of IVF surrogacy and donating eggs.