The psychological well-being of children has a connection with emotional bonding with their parents.
This emotional bonding is termed an attachment, which has been starting before the birth of a child.
The fetus aware of the mother’s voice, whereas the mother can feel the presence of her baby in her womb by experiencing kick and flutter during the gestational period.
This prenatal attachment has a great role in the good health practice, preparation of parenthood and also promote the attachment after the born of the child.
In the case of surrogacy, emotional transfer requires for development of this natural bonding between intended parents and the child born through surrogacy.
Both surrogate family and intended parents have equal responsibility in the emotional transfer so that both baby and intended parents can develop bonding for each other.
Tips for how to create an emotional connection between surrogate baby and intended parents
- It is possible to create an emotional connection between intended parents with their surrogate child/children through emotional transfer.
- Emotional transfer processing should be started at the prenatal stage, same as in case of normal delivery through giving priority to the child’s need instead of intended parents desire to become parents.
- Surrogacy is a solution of lots of grieves related to the failure of natural pregnancy, even advance process of IVF.
- Therefore, intended parents should be a positive attitude towards the acceptance of a newborn child through surrogacy.
- Involvement in the pregnancy is always appreciated for successful emotional transfer between intended parents and surrogate child.
- Experts suggested that intended parents should attain all the doctor’s appointment during the surrogacy process.
- In addition, arrange baby shower, decorate the nursery for the baby are the different ways to develop an emotional connection with the baby.
- The fetus develops hearing and smelling sense during the gestational period.
- Therefore, talk with your child directly or through sending records to the surrogate.
- Intended parents need to ensure that the surrogate frequently listens to this voice recorder to help the child for recognition of intended parents.
- Surrogate can help to develop emotional transfer between intended parents and the fetus by listening to some favorite song of intended parents before sleep.
- It will help the fetus to accustom with the new environment after his or her birth.
- Surrogate can send some soft toys used during her gestational period to the intended parent’s house after delivery.
- These small things help to give a familiar aroma to the child and helps her or him to mingle with the new environment.
- During delivery intended parents should be present in the hospital and devotedly join the delivery session without fail.
- Because the role of intended parents starts from the hospital.
- Feel the baby comfortable after delivery is very important.
- Experts advise the first surrogate should hold the baby for some time, so that baby can get a safe environment.
- After a short interval, the surrogate should be handed over the child to the intended parents.
- However, in many cases, surrogate unwilling to do this to avoid building up emotional stress.
- Intended parents should hold the baby as much as possible, as skin to skin touch is the best way to emotional transfer after the child’s birth.
- If possible, the intended mother can breastfeed her surrogates child to develop an emotional bonding.
- An intended parent should patiently handle each and every step during the child’s grown up period.
- If possible intended parents stay in contact with the surrogate at least after a few weeks of child’s birth to give an emotional strength to the surrogate to overcome the emotional stress.

Ravi Sharma is a self-motivated, successful entrepreneur and has a solid experience in the fertility segment. and he is the director at ARTbaby Global (ARThealthcare). He is a pharmacy graduate with post-graduation in business administration and has 14 years of rich experience in the field of infertility segment. He loves to write about IVF, Surrogacy, and other ART (assisted reproductive technology) news, issues, and updates. He is a Pharmacy graduate (B. Pharm) and M.B.A (marketing).
His most recent success includes the successful launch of the medical tourism company, ARTbaby, which offers treatment options for infertility, egg donation, and surrogacy. He likes spending time with his family and writing about various aspects of IVF surrogacy and donating eggs.