How movies and TV series are helpful in spreading surrogacy awareness?     

Movies and TV series are changing the traditional trend of romantic, action, mythological, or saas-bahu sagas. The content of the stories is reflecting diverse perspectives and promoting a progressive point of view. Surrogacy becomes one of the latest trends in the story content in both movies and TV series.

The motive to cover the surrogacy stories in both movies and TV series is not only to get TRP rank higher but also to spread awareness among the general population.

We cannot deny movies and TV series have the strongest voice and presence in both urban and rural areas. It can pass on a social message entertainingly.

tv movies surrogacy

Mimi, ChoriChoriChupkeChupke, Filhaal, DoosriDulhan, I Am, Dasaratham, 9 Nelalu are some of the Indian popular movies that have a storyline based on surrogacy. Similarly, ByaahHamariBahooka, SasuralSimranKa, and HilterDidi also highlighted surrogacy. The contents of this storyline are enough mature. Broadcasting these tracks of movies and TV series spread awareness among the general population who do have not have enough knowledge to understand the process from a clinical point of view.

In the initial phase, these contents are not well accepted by the public. But repeated attempts on different perspectives help people to gain interest in this topic. These attempts gradually change the orthodox mindset and help them to accept this medical advancement. These movies and TV series also have the aim to stop the mishap which occurs in rural people where innocent girls are trapped. The storyline of these movies and TV series inspires people to gather information before being trapped. 

Surrogacy is not a problem but a solution. Infertility is not a new reproductive problem. But many people are unaware of surrogacy.  In urban culture, affluent couples who are suffering from infertility complications but unaware of surrogacy can get an idea about the option. They can discuss with their doctors, even surrogacy clinics can easily explain to the visitors by giving examples of surrogacy-based movies and TV series. This helps people to connect easily, though doctor consultation clear overall procedure.

People are resorting to surrogacy even in small towns and cities. Nowadays, movies and TV series are not only entertainment media, but influence people thought process that plays an important role to remove the surrogacy-related taboo.

Many gynecologists acknowledged that TV soaps and movies have led to a rise in inquiries about surrogacy. Although they admitted that most of the couples have a vague idea that mainly focuses on rent a womb. However, if we consider this positively, then we can tell that these movies and TV series generate curiosity about surrogacy among general populations. 

But it is necessary to mention that the way of promoting surrogacy in movies and TV series is quite frivolous. The storyline is not mentioning its expenditure, logistics, or the possibility of failure. Therefore, people often have unrealistic expectations. They have a thought that surrogacy gives miracle cures. Both these small and big screens reach out to a larger audience, influence their opinion, and broaden their perspective. These shows often do justice in terms of inspiring people and spreading basic information among them.

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