The contact between surrogates and intended parents is very important to build a healthy relationship. However, the building of this relationship completely depends upon how much interest they show to contact with each other. The nature and scope of interaction with surrogates vary. Some surrogates are readily involved with the intended parents, whereas some do not.
A usual contact between surrogate and intended parents happens at the time of matching. This meeting is very exciting for both parties, though nervousness and apprehension are part of this meeting. The meeting can be conducted through video conferencing by using suitable media like Skype. After a potential match between surrogate and intended parents over with the involvement of a surrogacy agency, then further meeting they can fix to smooth the journey.
It is encouraging to involve intended parents in the surrogacy journey by attending prenatal visits with their surrogate before COVID 19 pandemic. But COVID 19 pandemic, physical contact should be restricted to avoid unnecessary risk. But weekly communication between them helps to create an emotional attachment with the surrogate baby.
The level of relationship between intended parents and surrogates is completely dependent upon their mutual understanding. The communication between them depends upon the satisfaction of the intended parents and the anticipation of the surrogate’s mother.
Many intended parents want to be completely involved in the pregnancy. They want interaction with high intensities which can be done through e-mails, phone calls. Intended parents often do not want to miss the opportunity to visit the doctor’s appointment also. But these all are optional contacts those can be share between intended parents and surrogate.
Similarly, some surrogates anticipate a life-long relationship after the delivery of the child. For this, during gestation, they expect regular communication rather than regular contact with intended parents.
A smaller number of intended parents and surrogates have impartial bonds due to low levels of contact, such as occasional phone calls, infrequent updates, and irregular sharing of pictures, etc. Thus, they do not have a close attachment. This is common for intended parents who wish to maintain contact with their surrogate during the doctor’s appointment, but do not want to meet regularly with the surrogate. Similarly, surrogates who have engrossed in their own lives, and may not desire future connection with the intended parents. Therefore, there is no fixed rules and regulation about the connection between surrogates and intended parents.
Read Also: Surrogacy for intended parents

Ravi Sharma is a self-motivated, successful entrepreneur and has a solid experience in the fertility segment. and he is the director at ARTbaby Global (ARThealthcare). He is a pharmacy graduate with post-graduation in business administration and has 14 years of rich experience in the field of infertility segment. He loves to write about IVF, Surrogacy, and other ART (assisted reproductive technology) news, issues, and updates. He is a Pharmacy graduate (B. Pharm) and M.B.A (marketing).
His most recent success includes the successful launch of the medical tourism company, ARTbaby, which offers treatment options for infertility, egg donation, and surrogacy. He likes spending time with his family and writing about various aspects of IVF surrogacy and donating eggs.